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September 24, 2021 - In Questions , SEN Jul 14 2021 , Senate



Senator the Honourable Tessa Alexander St. Cyr, will ask the Minister for Infrastructure Development, Public Utilities, Energy, Transport & Implementation, Senator the Honourable Norland Cox, the following questions:


Unanswered at Sitting of the Senate held on Tuesday November 10, 2020


Question 1


In relation to the National Youth Ambassadors Programme:


The Minister is asked to provide a copy of each of the completed application forms for the Youth Ambassadors programme.




Senator the Honourable Tessa St. Cyr, will ask the Leader of Government’s Business, Senator the Honourable Simon Stiell, the following questions:


Unanswered at Sitting of the Senate on Wednesday June 2 and Tuesday June 8, 2021




Question to the Leader of Government’s Business on List of Advisors to the Government


Can the Leader of Government’s Business provide a list of all advisors to the government recruited during the period 2013 – 2018 and 2018 to present, their job descriptions, remuneration and benefit packages.




Question to the Leader of Government’s Business on Tabling of Report in Parliament


In accordance with Part 2, Division 1, Section 6 of the Education Act of Grenada, 2002, the Minister for Education must table in Parliament an annual report on the state of education in Grenada within 12 months of the end of each school year.  Can the Leader of Government’s Business indicate when such a report for the school years 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 would be so tabled?





Question to the Leader of Government’s Business on Food deliveries to schools


Can the Leader of Government’s Business provide a list of unauthorised food deliveries to schools across Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique, within the last year, indicating:


  • The donors of the food.
  • The type of food (e.g. cooked, canned, bottled).
  • The condition of the food (e.g. fresh, expired).
  • The specific school to which the food was delivered.
  • The date (s) on which the food was delivered.




Question to the Leader of Government’s Business on Contracts


As it relates to the types of employment contract being used by government, can the Leader of Government’s Business:

  • Explain the difference between Contracts of Service and Contracts for Service, including duration/length of contract?
  • What criteria are being used to determine who gets Contracts of Service and Contracts for Service?
  • What is the difference in remuneration and benefits of the above-mentioned contracts?





Senator the Honourable Roderick St. Clair would ask the Leader of Government Business, Senator the Honourable Simon Stiell the following questions:




Questions to the Leader of Government’s Business on Praedial Larceny Fund


  • (i) Is the Praedial Larceny Fund as set out in section 17 of the Praedial Larceny Act (Act No. 5 of 2005) in existence and operational?

(ii)    If the fund does not exist, then provide an explanation for this deviation.


  • If the Fund is existent and operational, then:
  • What is the dollar value in the Praedial Larceny Fund as of: (i) December 31, 2020; (ii) March 31, 2021?
  • When was the last month and year monies were caused to be paid into the Praedial Larceny Fund?
  • What was the dollar value the last monies that were caused to be paid into the Praedial Larceny Fund?
  • When was the last month and year monies were caused to be paid out from the Praedial Larceny Fund?
  • What was the dollar value of the last monies that were caused to be paid out from the Praedial Larceny Fund?


Question No. 2


Questions to the Leader of Government’s Business on the requirement for every Ministry and Department to prepare workplans as is required by Division 4, Clause 16 (3) of the Public Finance Management Act Regulations of 2015.


  • Are workplans in the form required by the Public Finance Management Act Regulations 2015, section 16 (3) available for the following Ministries and their related Departments.


  1. Agriculture
  2. Lands
  • Fisheries


  • Provide copy of the workplan that are available for each Ministry and their related Departments as identified below:


  1. Agriculture
  2. Lands
  • Fisheries


  • As is required by section 16 (5) (c) of the Public Finance Management Act Regulations of 2015, provide the Uniform Resource Locators (urls) for the Corporate Plan of each of the Ministries and their related Departments identified below:


  1. Agriculture
  2. Lands
  • Fisheries



Question No. 3


Questions to the Leader of Government’s Business on Scholarships awarded to Grenadians in the field of Agriculture and Fisheries and their related fields over the past ten (10) years at the Bachelor, Masters, PhD and Post-Doctoral levels.


  • Provide the number of Scholarships in Agriculture and its related fields by the following criteria in the table below by year for the past 10 years:


Table 1 (a)
Year Field of Agriculture Degree Level Number of Scholarships Completed, returned to Grenada and Working in Agriculture Field Completed, returned to Grenada and Not Working in Agriculture Field Continuing to complete Studies Continuing Advance Studies
  • Provide number of Scholarships in Fisheries and its related fields by the following criteria in the table below by year for the past 10 years:


Table 1 (b)
Year Field of Fisheries Degree Level Number of Scholarships Completed, returned to Grenada and Working in Fisheries or related field Completed, returned to Grenada and Not Working in Fisheries Continuing to complete Studies Continuing Advance Studies



  • Provide the total number of Scholarships by year, field of study and degree level for the past 10 years in the table below.


Table 1 (c)
Year Field of Study BSc Masters PhD Post-Doctoral




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