Senator the Honourable Roderick St. Clair would ask the Leader of Government’s Business, Senator the Honourable Simon Stiell the following questions:
Unanswered at Sitting of the Senate held on Wednesday January 27, 2021
Questions to the Leader of Government’s Business on Praedial Larceny
- What is the number of Farmers ID, generated to date by the Ministry of Agriculture?
- How many vendors have now been registered as is required under the Praedial Larceny Act as amended in 2020?
- If none, when is registration of vendors scheduled to commence?
- How many members currently make up the Praedial Larceny Task?
Questions to the Leader of Government’s Business on Land Policy
- Has the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands developed a Land Use Policy for Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique?
- If yes, has the Land Use Policy been implemented?
- If not, is there an implementation plan for the Land Use Policy?
- Is the Land Use Policy document available to the public?
Questions to the Leader of Government’s Business on Fisheries
Government has reported that 13 new ice machines will be procured, delivered and installed at all fish markets in Grenada and Carriacou in 2021, through a grant from the Japan International Cooperation System (JICS).
- What date was the grant support agreement with the Japanese signed?
- Is there an implementation plan for the execution of the activities under the project?
- (i) What month and year is the project scheduled to start; and
(ii) What month and year is the project scheduled to end?
- During which months and year are the ice machines scheduled to be:
- purchased; and
- installed / upgraded?
Questions to the Leader of Government’s Business on Poultry Policy
- Is there a listing of recommendations contained in the National Poultry Policy of 2017?
- If yes, provide a listing of the recommendations.
- (i). Is there an implementation plan that is available for the National Poultry Policy?
- If yes, please provide a copy of the plan.
- Indicate which element(s) has been implemented and the results of the implementation.
- For recommendations not yet implemented, is there a time line that is available for items not yet implemented?
Question to the Leader of Government’s Business on Pestilential activities of rodents
Do any of our hospitals have in stock the necessary medication/antidotes in the event that mongoose having rabies bite someone in our population?
Senator the Honourable Tessa St. Cyr, will ask the Leader of Government’s Business, Senator the Honourable Simon Stiell, the following questions:
Question to the Leader of Government’s Business on List of Advisors to the Government
- Can the Leader of Government’s Business provide a list of all advisors to the government recruited during the period 2013 – 2018 and 2018 to present, their job descriptions, remuneration and benefit packages.
Question to the Leader of Government’s Business on Tabling of Report in Parliament
- In accordance with Part 2, Division 1 Section of the Education Act of Grenada 2002, the Minister for Education must table in Parliament an annual report on the state of education in Grenada within 12 months of the end of each school year. Can the Leader of Government’s Business indicate when such a report for the school years 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 would be so tabled?
Question to the Leader of Government’s Business on Food deliveries to schools
- Can the Leader of Government’s Business provide a list of unauthorized food deliveries to schools across Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique, within the last year, indicating:
- The donors of the food
- The type of food (e.g. cooked, canned, bottled)
- The condition of the food (e.g. fresh, expired)
- The specific school to which the food was delivered
- The date (s) on which the food was delivered
Question to the Leader of Government’s Business on Contracts
- As it relates to the types of employment contract being used by government, can the Leader of Government’s Business:
- Explain the difference between Contracts of Service and Contracts for Service, including duration/ length of contract?
- What criteria are being used to determine who gets Contracts of Service and Contracts for Service?
- What is the difference in remuneration and benefits of the above-mentioned contracts?
Senator the Honourable Roderick St. Clair would ask the Leader of Government Business, Senator the Honourable Simon Stiell the following 3 questions and requiring written responses:
Questions to the Leader of Government Business on Praedial Larceny Fund
- (i) Is the Praedial Larceny Fund as set out in Section 17 of the Praedial Larceny Act (Act No. 5 of 2005) in existence and operational?
(ii) If the fund does not exist then, provide an explanation for this deviation.
(b) If, the Fund is existence and operational, then:
- What is the dollar value in the Praedial Larceny Fund as of (i) December 31st 2020 (ii)March 31st 2021?
- When was the last month and year monies were caused to be paid into the Praedial Larceny Fund?
- What was the dollar value the last monies that were caused to be paid into the Praedial Larceny Fund?
- When was the last month and year monies were caused to be paid out from the Praedial Larceny Fund?
- What was the dollar value of the last monies that were caused to be paid out from the Praedial Larceny Fund?
Questions to the Leader of Government Business on Farm Machinery Pool of the Ministry of Agriculture
- Is the Farm Machinery Services of the Ministry of Agriculture established to provide land ploughing for farmers and located at Mirabeau, St.Andrew’s currently functioning.
- If it is not functioning:
(i) What month and year was it last functional?
(ii) What is (are) the reason(s) for the Ministry of Agriculture closing its Farm Machinery Service at Mirabeau.
(ii) Is it government policy to have the Farm Machinery Service at Mirabeau reinstated.
Questions to the Leader of Government Business on the Position of Chief Agriculture Officer within the Ministry of Agriculture as approved in the Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure for 2021 by the Parliament in December 2020.
- Is the position of the Chief Agriculture Officer within the Ministry of Agriculture currently vacant?
- What month and year did the position became vacant?
- Has the position been advertised since the time of vacancy?
- Is anyone appointed to act in the position since it became vacant?
- Is there a target month and year for filling the position of Chief Agriculture Officer?
- Are there any existing staff of the Ministry of Agriculture who satisfies the minimum requirements for the Job position of Chief Agriculture Officer?