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September 30, 2021 - In Questions


  1. Questions:


Honourable Tobias Clement and Leader of the Opposition will ask the Minister for Health, Honourable Nickolas Steele, the following questions:


Unanswered at Sitting of the House of Representatives held on Tuesday 2nd March, 2021


Question No. 1


Can the Minister for Health tell the House what quarantine facilities that are provided by the Government to the frontline workers (doctors, nurses and police officers), that may come into contact with COVID-19 patient or suspected COVID-19 patients in carrying out their duties?


Question No. 2


Can the Minister for Health give the House an update on COVID-19 in Grenada, which is:

  • The amount of positive cases recorded thus far?
  • The amount of test that was done
  • The amount of PCR tests that are available on island for future use?



Question No. 3


Can the Minister tell the House actions taken by the Government of Grenada in procuring a vaccine for the people of Grenada?




Question No. 4


Honourable Tobias Clement and Leader of the Opposition will ask the Minister for Sports, Honourable Yolande Bain-Horsford, the following question:


Can the Minister for Sports tell this House the amount of funds that was disbursed by the National Lotteries Authority (NLA) for the St. George North-East Constituency for the period November to December 2020?  How much did each constituency receive and through whom were these funds directed for the constituency of St. George North- East?


Honourable Tobias Clement and Leader of the Opposition will ask the Minister for Finance, Honourable Gregory Bowen, the following question:


Question No. 5


How were the funds for the purchase of the WRB and GPP Shares secured within the scope of the Appropriations Bill, 2020, and the Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure (2019/2020)?


Question No. 6


Can the Minister for Finance please provide an accounting for the apportionment of the funds used to pay for the WRP and GPP shares in GRENLEC according to the following:


  • Capital Expenditure


  • Current Expenditure


  • Other sources (please specify)


Question No. 7


Can the Minister for Finance provide the legal authority upon which any derogation or exceptions to the normal legal provisions and conventions regarding the approval and expenditure of finances entrusted to the Ministry of Finance may have been relied upon or invoked, in settling the amounts due and owing to WRB and GPP in respect of the aforesaid purchased of the GRENLEC shares?



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