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Dr. the Rt. Honourable Keith Mitchell and Leader of His Majesty’s Opposition asked the Prime Minister and Minister for Finance, the following questions:


*(1)      Who are the advisors and or transition leads and associated support staff for each Ministry and Department in the Public Sector hired from June 23, 2022?


(2)       What are the ages, salaries, allowances, other forms of compensation or benefits and responsibilities associated with each advisor and or transition lead and associated support staff for each Ministry and Department in the Public Sector hired from June 23, 2022?


*(3)      Are the salaries, allowances, and other forms of compensation or benefits associated with the advisors and or transition leads and associated staff hired in the Public Sector from June 23, 2022 sourced from Government revenues as collected from the people of Grenada or other sources?


(4)       What is the specific source of funding for the salaries for each advisor and or transition lead and associated support staff for each Ministry and Department hired in the Public Sector from June 2022?


(5)      Who are the supervisor or supervisors of each advisor and or transition lead and associated support staff for each Ministry and Department hired from June 23, 2022?


(6)       What is the total cost to the taxpayers for the establishment of the Ministry of Mobilization and Implementation, and the names, responsibilities, salaries, benefits, and allowances of each staffer? Her Majesty’s Opposition Leader Office Mt. Wheldale St. George’s GRENADA.


(7)      What is the cost to the state of Grenada for travel, the purpose of the same and the name of each member of the travel delegation and their associated position, role, or responsibility since June 23, 2022?


(8)       Was there a change in the travel policy established by the previous Government, and if so, can the Minister of Finance state what these new rules are?


(9)       Who were the person or persons responsible for vetting applicants, and assigning the same to the statutory boards?


(10)     Who is responsible for paying the drivers of Ministers of this new administration?





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