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March 11, 2022 - In Questions , SEN Mar 17 2022 , Senate



Senator the Hon. Tessa St. Cyr – Questions to the Leader of Government’s Business


Question No. 1

As it relates to the types of employment contract being used by government, can the Leader of Government’s Business:

a). Explain the difference between Contracts of Service and Contracts for Service, including duration/length of contract?

b). What criteria are being used to determine who gets Contracts of Service and Contracts for Service?

c). What is the difference in remuneration and benefits of the above-mentioned contracts?


Question No. 2

Question to the Leader of Government’s Business on List of Advisors to the Government Can the Leader of Government’s Business provide a list of all advisors to the government recruited during the period 2013 – 2018 and 2018 to present, their job descriptions, remuneration and benefit packages.





Senator the Hon. Roderick St. Clair – Question to the Leader of Government’s Business



Questions to the Leader of Government’s Business on Scholarships awarded to Grenadians in the field of Agriculture and Fisheries and their related fields over the past ten (10) years at the Bachelor, Masters, PhD and Post-Doctoral levels.


  • Provide the number of Scholarships in Agriculture and its related fields by the following criteria in the table below by year for the past 10 years:



Table 1 (a)
Year Field       of


Degree Level Number    of



Returned to Grenada and working in the

Agriculture Field


Returned to  Grenada and  Not Working in Agriculture


Continuing to complete studies Continuing advance studies


  • Provide number of Scholarships in Fisheries and its related fields by the following criteria in the table below by year for the past 10 years:



Table 1 (b)
Year Field   of Fisheries Degree Level Number    of



Returned to Grenada and working in the Fisheries Field


Returned to  Grenada and  Not Working in the  Fisheries


Continuing to complete studies Continuing advance studies


  • Provide the total number of Scholarships by year, field of study and degree level for the past 10 years in the table below.


Table 1 (c)
    Year     Field of Study         BSc      Masters     PhD   Post-Doctoral




Senator the Honourable Andre Lewis – Questions to the Leader of Government’s Business


Question No. 1

Could the Honourable Minister advise the House as to whether the Gravel, Concrete and Emulsion Company has disposed of any of its fixed assets, by way of sale , lease or otherwise, within the last 24 months and if so:

  1. Which specific asset or assets was or were disposed of?


  1. What is (or are) the name(s) and nationality (ies) of the legal entity (ies) to whom those assets were disposed?


  1. When did this (or these) transaction(s) occur?


Question No. 2

If the answer to question 1 is in the affirmative, that is that an asset or assets of the said company were disposed of during the period mentioned, then can the Minister tell us what are the terms of that disposition, in particular:


  1. If it is a lease, then what is the term of the lease (for how long) and what remuneration has the Company received or is going to receive over the term of the lease and in what manner?


  1. If it is a sale, then what is the sale price and when and in what manner is the Company to be paid for the asset?


  1. Would the Minister provide the House with a copy of the contractual document or documents pursuant to which the asset or assets was or were disposed of?


Question No. 3

If the answer to question 1 is in the affirmative, that is, that an asset or assets of the said company were disposed of during the period mentioned, then can the Minister tell us whether the standard procurement procedures provided for in our laws and regulations followed, in particular:

  1. Was any invitation to tender published in relation to the disposition of the asset or assets and if so, in what publication (or through what medium) and for how long?
  2. How many Expressions of Interest were received from different entities


  1. Were these Expressions of Interest ( or Tenders) evaluated by the Tenders Board or any other body or committee specifically  charged with the mandate of evaluating such tenders on behalf of Government or State owned Enterprises


  1. Was the contract given to the entity recommended by the Tenders Board or other body or committee specifically  charged with the mandate of evaluating such tenders on behalf of Government or State owned Enterprises







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