a) By Senator the Hon. Roderick St. Clair
Question # 1
*Please inform this Honourable House on government’s lease arrangement pertaining to the Bellevue Estate, in Bellevue, St. Andrew.
(a) To who or which company is the Bellevue Estate in Bellevue, St. Andrew leased?
(b) What is the duration of the lease and how much more years is remaining on the lease?
(c) How many acres of lands are covered under the lease?
(d) What are the monetary terms and conditions pertaining of the lease?
(e) Is the lease’s performance of the terms of the lease satisfactory?
(f) If not, what are the plans of this governing administration to deal with the situation?
Question # 2
*Please provide this Honourable House on government’s lease arrangement pertaining to the La Sagesse Agro-processing facility, located in La Sagesse, St. David.
(a) To who or which company is the La Sagesse Agro-Processing facility located in La Sagesse,
St. David leased?
(b) What is the duration of the lease and how much more years is remaining on the lease?
(c) What are the monetary terms and conditions pertaining of the lease?
(d) Is the lease’s performance of the terms of the lease satisfactory?
(e) If not, what are the plans of this governing administration to deal with the situation?
Question # 3
*Please inform this Honourable House on the status of the Praedial Larceny Fund pursuant with Section 17 of the Praedial Larceny Act (Act No. 5 of 2005).
(a) Is the Praedial Larceny fund in existence and operational?
(b) If yes, then: